The Joshie series of illustrated children’s books instills a vital sense of security and purpose in young children that can only come by connecting them to the Infinite. By giving children the deep sense of self-esteem that they need to have happy, healthy and well-adjusted childhoods, these lighthearted books infused with heartfelt life lessons, offer a future of generations of happy, healthy and successful adults.
WHO LOVES YOU THE MOST OF ALL?, the first book in the series, shares a mother and child’s bedtime conversation on the topic of one of life’s sweetest and most important questions.
WHO LOVES YOU THE MOST OF ALL? will connect children to the Source of All Love for the rest of their lives.
Join Joshie in JOSHIE, THE HAPPIEST KID ALIVE!, the second book in the series, as Joshie shares his secret to happiness, offering others a way to be just as happy as he is.